STEMettes’ ‘Routes into STEM’

A little over two weeks ago on the 5th December, the STEMettes took over Imperial (well the Math’s department)! 200 girls of GCSE and A-level age, as well as 9 panellists, including myself, had an afternoon of networking and discussions based around the topic ‘Routes into STEM’. The aim of the day was to give the girls a glimpse into the exciting world of STEM and the … Continue reading STEMettes’ ‘Routes into STEM’

IVF and Robert Winston

After my sister and I had the pleasure of being treated to a lovely dinner by Professor Lord Robert Winston last week, I was inspired to blog about In Vitro Fertilisation and the background behind how I came to be through IVF! Monday 2nd November, Professor Winston took Fay and I to dinner at the House of Lords. He also took us on a fantastic and interesting tour of the Houses, where we also had a chance … Continue reading IVF and Robert Winston

Imperial College Graduation 2015!

This post is long overdue having graduated 2 weeks ago today! However, in between graduate job applications, networking and workshop events, running the Union and looking after 17,000 students, my feet have hardly touched the ground; I’m glad I’ve managed to squeeze in an hour to document Commemoration Day! For me especially, my graduation was rather unique as I didn’t just go up and skip across … Continue reading Imperial College Graduation 2015!

Chinese President visits Imperial

This morning was a very exciting one, as I met the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping! Imperial College hosted the President and his wife, First Lady Madame Peng Liyuan, alongside the Duke of York Prince Andrew, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, Lord O’Neill, and several senior Chinese ministers as part of President Xi’s state visit to … Continue reading Chinese President visits Imperial

Greenlight For Girls

Last Saturday, 26th September,  I was invited to speak at the UK Greenlight For Girls (G4G) event, hosted by Imperial College. G4G is an international organisation dedicated to inspire girls to pursue STEM subjects, by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways. The brilliant event at Imperial allowed 12 to 16 year old girls from local schools to become a scientist and … Continue reading Greenlight For Girls