Chinese President visits Imperial

This morning was a very exciting one, as I met the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping! Imperial College hosted the President and his wife, First Lady Madame Peng Liyuan, alongside the Duke of York Prince Andrew, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, Lord O’Neill, and several senior Chinese ministers as part of President Xi’s state visit to … Continue reading Chinese President visits Imperial

HeForShe #GetFree UK Tour

"Why is it bad to do things like a girl? I do things like a girl because I am a girl." — @LucindaJaneSA #GetFreeTourUK #HeForShe — HeForShe (@HeforShe) October 8, 2015 Last Thursday 8th October, I had the pleasure to welcome the HeForShe #GetFree UK Tour to Imperial! HeForShe is a huge gender equality campaign run by UN Women. As stated on their website HeForShe … Continue reading HeForShe #GetFree UK Tour

‘My Wild Life’ by Saba Douglas-Hamilton

Last Thursday 8th October, I was fortunate enough to secure a ticket to listen to an exclusive talk by guest speaker Saba Douglas-Hamilton, at the Royal Geographical Society for Real Africa‘s 15th Anniversary event. Beautifully presented, ‘My Wild Life’ gave a glimpse into Saba’s childhood, her love of Africa, her filming career and her conservation efforts. She started her talk speaking about her rather unconventional childhood, growing … Continue reading ‘My Wild Life’ by Saba Douglas-Hamilton

Global March for Elephants and Rhinos

On 3rd October we marched. We marched for the lives of every single elephant and rhino on our planet, brutally murdered for their tusks and horns. We marched for all the orphaned baby eles and rhinos, traumatised, heartbroken and defenceless having watched their mothers’ faces hacked off. We marched for the families of these beautiful creatures, torn apart by human greed. On Saturday we marched with the … Continue reading Global March for Elephants and Rhinos

DSWT Gala Dinner – Harambee 2015

The evening of Friday 25th September was the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust‘s flagship event, the Harambee Gala Dinner – a truly wonderful event and a night I will never forget. This blog post will probably never do the evening justice, but I hope to at least capture some of the magic of the night for documentation and memories sake! After many months of waiting since receiving our invitation, the … Continue reading DSWT Gala Dinner – Harambee 2015